Breast Care Center

Breast related issues with women are becoming more common. Changes in the breast may indicate a benign condition or cancer. Medical tests, including medical imaging, can provide more clarity on whether a change is benign or malignant.

About 1 in 7 women will experience breast cancer in her lifetime. Before the age of 30, breast cancer is rare. After that age, the number of women with breast cancer increases, about 70% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are older than 50. About 5 to 10% of all women with breast cancer have the disease due to a hereditary predisposition. In these cases, breast cancer is often diagnosed before the age of 50.

It is important to detect breast cancer as early as possible when there are still excellent treatment options. The outlook for breast cancer patients has improved significantly in recent years thanks to a great deal of research in this area.

In case of the following change it is wise to schedule an appointment for a check-up:

  • Lump in the breast or armpit.
  • Fluid from nipple (nipple effusion).
  • Changes in the nipple such as retracted nipple, redness or flaking.
  • Changes in the breast such as change in texture/shape or pain.


Imaging plays an important role in good medical care, and in breast problems, imaging through mammography and ultrasound is essential.

For further information or to make appointments, please refer to our website.


Part of the Women's Healthcare Center

For information or to make appointments, please contact us at 020 6420 229 or fill out our contact form.

