Constipation problems

Constipation problems are more common than you think, and there is an awful lot that can be done about them. With the right treatment you can greatly improve the quality of your life. Women's Healthcare Center Amsterdam is pleased to offer you personalized care, quality and attention.

What are common stool problems?

Fecal complaints include stool loss or labored bowel movements. Relief loss is also called fecal incontinence or fecal incontinence. This involves involuntary loss of stool or gas at a time and place that is undesirable for you. Symptoms worsen over time and greatly reduce quality of life.

Difficult bowel movements occur when a person has fewer than 3 times a week of bowel movements or when they only succeed by pressing very hard. In most cases, the stool is very hard and/or dry. You may also experience pain during defecation. Hard, thick stools can cause cracks and fissures in the anus. This can cause a burning sensation. After defecation, you may still feel the need to defecate. This may be caused by hemorrhoids caused by pushing too hard.

You may experience the following complaints related to defecation:

  • Bubbling bowels and watery diarrhea
  • Small bits of stool throughout the day
  • Prolonged diarrhea accompanied by fatigue
  • Constipation, accumulation of stools

Causes of stool complaints

Causes of stool loss may be a malfunctioning sphincter, insensitive rectum or bowel prolapse. This may be related to weakened pelvic floor muscles, which means the pelvic floor does not provide enough support. The weakening occurs mainly later in life.

Sometimes there is damage to the sphincter muscle, sustained during childbirth or surgery to remove hemorrhoids or repair a fissure. Another cause is damage to the nerves that control the anal muscles. This damage is caused by childbirth, prolonged and hard pressing during defecation, diabetes, spinal cord disorders or Multiple Sclerosis, among others. The rectum may also have reduced elasticity. This reduces the time the stool can be held up when urged.

Causes of labored bowel movement

Causes of labored bowel movements can be due to improper diet or lifestyle habits. If you don't get enough fluids or high-fiber foods, you may have hard stools that make bowel movements difficult. Delaying toilet visits can also cause hard stools. In the rectum, stool dries out and becomes hard and dry.

When there is increased muscle tension in the pelvic floor, the blood vessels around the anus are pinched off. The skin then becomes very fragile and this can cause pain. The pelvic floor may also be used incorrectly. There is then pressing instead of relaxing to get rid of stool.

Other conditions include colon polyps or thyroid disorders. Certain medications can also have constipation as a side effect. Sedatives, sleep aids, steel pills or long-term use of laxatives.

Treatment for fecal discomfort

Depending on the cause of your symptoms, a course of treatment may be determined. Usually, it starts with pelvic physical therapy and nutritional advice. This will help you learn to use your pelvic floor muscles properly again, and changes in your diet can prevent constipation or diarrhea. If necessary, medication may be prescribed to make stools firmer or thinner.

For fecal incontinence, a solution may be to flush the rectum, an enema. This allows you to spend the rest of the day carefree. An anal tampon or surgery can also prevent unwanted loss of stool. In cases of very severe stool loss that is difficult to treat, a stoma may offer relief.

If labored defecation is caused by abnormalities in the bowel or pelvic floor, other treatments are also possible. With rectal prolapse, for example, surgical intervention may solve the problems.

More information or make an appointment?

Do you recognize yourself in one of these complaints? Don't keep walking around with it! WHC Amsterdam is an independent treatment center in Amsterdam with a focus on women's care. We support, treat and help a large number of women in the Amsterdam region with complaints and problems in the field of women's care. Would you like to make an appointment with one of our specialists or would you like to know more? You can reach us at 020 6420 229 or use our contact form.
